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A Cython wrapper to the IPOPT optimization package
Python 2.7.8 is the last release for which binary installers will be released on that support Mac OS X 10.3.9 (Panther) and 10.4.x (Tiger) systems. For Python 2.7.8 only, we are providing three OS X binary installers: the unchanged 10.6+ 64-bit/32-bit format, the deprecated 10.3+ 32-bit-only format, and the newer 10.5+ 32-bit-only.
Project description
This repository was forked from and isnow considered the primary repository. The fork includes a SciPy-styleinterface, ability to handle exceptions in the callback functions, and dockercontainer for easy usage.
README for cyipopt
Ipopt (Interior Point OPTimizer, pronounced eye-pea-opt) is a software packagefor large-scale nonlinear optimization. Ipopt is available from the COIN-ORinitiative, under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
cyipopt is a Python wrapper around Ipopt. It enables using Ipopt from thecomfort of the Python programming language.
For simple cases where you do not need the full power of sparse and structuredJacobians etc, cyipopt provides the function minimize_ipopt which hasthe same behaviour as scipy.optimize.minimize, for example:
Using conda
The Anaconda Python Distribution isone of the easiest ways to install Python and associated pre-complied packagesfor Linux, Mac, and Windows. Once Anaconda (or miniconda) is installed, you caninstall cyipopt on Linux and Mac from the Conda Forge channel with:
The above command will install binary versions of all the necessarydependencies and cyipopt. Note that there currently are no Windows binaries.You will have to install from source from Windows or if you want a customizedinstallation, e.g. with MKL, HSL, etc.
From source
To begin installing from source you will need to install the followingdependencies:
- C/C++ compiler
- pkg-config [only for Linux and Mac]
- Ipopt [<3.13.0 and >= 3.10.1 for Windows]
- Python 2.7 or 3.6+
- setuptools
- cython
- numpy
- six
- future
- scipy [optional]
- mkl [windows]
The binaries and header files of the Ipopt package can be obtained from These include a version compiledagainst the MKL library. Or you can build Ipopt from source. The remainingdependencies can be installed with conda or other package managers.
On Linux and Mac
Download the source files of cyipopt and update to point to theheader files and binaries of the Ipopt package, if LD_LIBRARY_PATH andpkg_config are not setup to find ipopt on their own.
Then, execute:
From source on Windows
Install the dependencies with conda (Anaconda or Miniconda):
Additionally, make sure you have a C compiler setup to compile Python Cextensions, e.g. Visual C++. Build tools for VS2019 been tested to work for conda Python 3.7 (see
Download and extract the cyipopt source code from Github or PyPi.
Download a precompiled version of Ipopt that includes the DLL files from Note that the current setup onlysupports Ipopt >= 3.10.1. It is advised to use the build 3.11.0 by downloadingthe Ipopt-3.11.0-Win32-Win64-dll.7zarchive. After Ipopt is extracted, the lib and include folders shouldbe in the root cyipopt directory, i.e. adjacent to the file.Alternatively, you can set the environment variable IPOPTWINDIR to point tothe directory that contains the lib and include directories.
Finally, execute:
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NOTE: Only conda Python has been tested to work at the moment, and notthe official distribution. There is likely a binary compatibilityissue between the C compiler used to build IPOPT and that used for compilingPython extensions in the official Python distribution (see
Example Installation on Ubuntu 18.04 Using Dependencies Installed Via APT
All of the dependencies can be installed with Ubuntu’s package manager:
The NumPy and IPOPT libs and headers are installed in standard locations, soyou should not need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
Now run python build to compile cyipopt. In the output of thiscommand you should see two calls to gcc for compiling and linking. Makesure both of these are pointing to the correct libraries and headers. They willlook something like this (formatted and commented for easy viewing here):
You can check that everything linked correctly with ldd:
And finally install the package into Python’s default package directory:
Note that you may or may not want to install this package system wide, i.e.prepend sudo to the above command, but it is safest to install into youruser space, i.e. what pip install --user does, or setup a virtualenvironment with tools like venv or conda. If you use virtual environments youwill need to be careful about selecting headers and libraries for packages inor out of the virtual environments in the build step. Note that six, cython,and numpy could alternatively be installed using Python specific packagemanagers, e.g. pip install six cython numpy.
Example Installation on Ubuntu 18.04 With Custom Compiled IPOPT
Install system wide dependencies:
Install pip so all Python packages can be installed via pip:
Then use pip to install the following packages:
Compile Ipopt
The Ipopt compilation instructions are derived from If you get errors,start there for help.
Download Ipopt source code. Choose the version that you would like to have from<>. For example:
Extract the Ipopt source code:
Create a temporary environment variable pointing to the Ipopt directory:
To use linear solvers other than the default mumps, e.g. ma27, ma57, ma86solvers, the HSL package are needed. HSL can be downloaded from itsofficial website <>.
Extract HSL source code after you get it. Rename the extracted folder tocoinhsl and copy it in the HSL folder: Ipopt-3.12.11/ThirdParty/HSL
Build Ipopt:
Add make install if you want a system wide install.
Set environment variables:
Get help from this web-page if you get errors in setting environments:
Now compile cyipopt. Download the cyipopt source code from PyPi, forexample:
Compile cyipopt:
If there is no error, then you have compiled cyipopt successfully
Check that everything linked correctly with ldd
Install cyipopt (prepend sudo if you want a system wide install):
To use cyipopt you will need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point toyour Ipopt install if you did not install it to a standard location. Forexample:
You can add this to your shell’s configuration file if you want it set everytime you open your shell, for example the following line can it can be added toyour ~/.bashrc
Now you should be able to run a cyipopt example:
If it could be run successfully, the optimization will start with the followingdescriptions:
Docker container
The subdirectory docker contains a docker container with preinstalled ipoptand cyipopt. To build the container, cd into the docker directory and runmake. Then you can start the container by:
and either call ipopt directly or start a ipython shell and import ipopt.
Vagrant environment
The subdirectory vagrant contains a Vagrantfile that installs ipopt andcyipopt in OS provision. To build the environment, cd into the vagrantdirectory and run vagrant up (Requires that you have Vagrant+VirtualBoxinstalled). Then you can access the system by:
and either call ipopt directly or start a python shell and importipopt. Also, if you get source files<> of coinhsl and put it in thevagrant directory, the vagrant provision will detect and add them in theipopt compiling process, and then you will have ma57, ma27, and other solversavailable on ipopt binary (ma97 and mc68 were removed to avoid compilationerrors).
Reading the docs
After installing:
Then, direct your browser to build/html/index.html.
You can test the installation by running the examples under the folder test.
Conditions of use
cyipopt is open-source code released under the EPL license. Barco clickshare mac download.
For bug reports use the github issue tracker. You can also send wishes,comments, patches, etc. to
Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed
Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.
Filename, size | File type | Python version | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size ipopt-0.2.0.tar.gz (162.8 kB) | File type Source | Python version None | Upload date | Hashes |
Hashes for ipopt-0.2.0.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 5b4c88ab265a29c71c4e8d13b11470fd6844c18fa497328291088f42c40106f5 |
MD5 | 419e197afb939b1c143ce7a32d8bf6a3 |
BLAKE2-256 | cb7beee4d6d7f4a407100189d628fee882bdc1c9ff4dff0f917d294f50158b45 |
Bob Savage <>
Python on a Macintosh running Mac OS X is in principle very similar to Python onany other Unix platform, but there are a number of additional features such asthe IDE and the Package Manager that are worth pointing out.
The Mac-specific modules are documented in Mac OS X specific services.
Python on Mac OS 9 or earlier can be quite different from Python on Unix orWindows, but is beyond the scope of this manual, as that platform is no longersupported, starting with Python 2.4. See forinstallers for the latest 2.3 release for Mac OS 9 and related documentation.
4.1. Getting and Installing MacPython¶
Mac OS X 10.8 comes with Python 2.7 pre-installed by Apple. If you wish, youare invited to install the most recent version of Python from the Python website( A current “universal binary” build of Python, whichruns natively on the Mac’s new Intel and legacy PPC CPU’s, is available there.
What you get after installing is a number of things:
folder in yourApplications
folder. In hereyou find IDLE, the development environment that is a standard part of officialPython distributions; PythonLauncher, which handles double-clicking Pythonscripts from the Finder; and the “Build Applet” tool, which allows you topackage Python scripts as standalone applications on your system.A framework
, which includes thePython executable and libraries. The installer adds this location to your shellpath. To uninstall MacPython, you can simply remove these three things. Asymlink to the Python executable is placed in /usr/local/bin/.
The Apple-provided build of Python is installed in/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
and /usr/bin/python
,respectively. You should never modify or delete these, as they areApple-controlled and are used by Apple- or third-party software. Remember thatif you choose to install a newer Python version from, you will havetwo different but functional Python installations on your computer, so it willbe important that your paths and usages are consistent with what you want to do.
IDLE includes a help menu that allows you to access Python documentation. If youare completely new to Python you should start reading the tutorial introductionin that document.
If you are familiar with Python on other Unix platforms you should read thesection on running Python scripts from the Unix shell.
4.1.1. How to run a Python script¶
Your best way to get started with Python on Mac OS X is through the IDLEintegrated development environment, see section The IDE and use the Help menuwhen the IDE is running.
If you want to run Python scripts from the Terminal window command line or fromthe Finder you first need an editor to create your script. Mac OS X comes with anumber of standard Unix command line editors, vim andemacs among them. If you want a more Mac-like editor,BBEdit or TextWrangler from Bare Bones Software (see are good choices, as isTextMate (see Other editors includeGvim ( and Aquamacs(
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To run your script from the Terminal window you must make sure that/usr/local/bin
is in your shell search path.
To run your script from the Finder you have two options:
Drag it to PythonLauncher
Select PythonLauncher as the default application to open yourscript (or any .py script) through the finder Info window and double-click it.PythonLauncher has various preferences to control how your script islaunched. Option-dragging allows you to change these for one invocation, or useits Preferences menu to change things globally.
4.1.2. Running scripts with a GUI¶
With older versions of Python, there is one Mac OS X quirk that you need to beaware of: programs that talk to the Aqua window manager (in other words,anything that has a GUI) need to be run in a special way. Use pythonwinstead of python to start such scripts.
With Python 2.7, you can use either python or pythonw.
4.1.3. Configuration¶
Python on OS X honors all standard Unix environment variables such asPYTHONPATH
, but setting these variables for programs started from theFinder is non-standard as the Finder does not read your .profile
at startup. You need to create a file~/.MacOSX/environment.plist
. See Apple’s Technical Document QA1067 fordetails.
For more information on installation Python packages in MacPython, see sectionInstalling Additional Python Packages.
4.2. The IDE¶
MacPython ships with the standard IDLE development environment. A goodintroduction to using IDLE can be found at
4.3. Installing Additional Python Packages¶
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There are several methods to install additional Python packages:
Packages can be installed via the standard Python distutils mode (
).Many packages can also be installed via the setuptools extensionor pip wrapper, see
4.4. GUI Programming on the Mac¶
There are several options for building GUI applications on the Mac with Python.
PyObjC is a Python binding to Apple’s Objective-C/Cocoa framework, which isthe foundation of most modern Mac development. Information on PyObjC isavailable from
The standard Python GUI toolkit is Tkinter
, based on the cross-platformTk toolkit ( An Aqua-native version of Tk is bundled with OSX by Apple, and the latest version can be downloaded and installed from; it can also be built from source.
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wxPython is another popular cross-platform GUI toolkit that runs natively onMac OS X. Packages and documentation are available from
PyQt is another popular cross-platform GUI toolkit that runs natively on MacOS X. More information can be found at
4.5. Distributing Python Applications on the Mac¶
The “Build Applet” tool that is placed in the MacPython 2.7 folder is fine forpackaging small Python scripts on your own machine to run as a standard Macapplication. This tool, however, is not robust enough to distribute Pythonapplications to other users.
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The standard tool for deploying standalone Python applications on the Mac ispy2app. More information on installing and using py2app can be foundat
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4.6. Other Resources¶
The MacPython mailing list is an excellent support resource for Python users anddevelopers on the Mac:
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Another useful resource is the MacPython wiki: